
If you want to find out more about the Cittaslow movement, we hope you find the following of interest.

Thesis on Cittaslow UK

Dr Tessa Holland

To better understand and research Cittaslow, Newcastle University in partnership with Cittaslow UK was successful in attracting Collaborative Doctoral Award funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The award funded a study into what makes Cittaslow towns and people so special. It resulted in the doctoral thesis: Navigating Slow, ‘fast’ and crafted knowledges: Knowing through Cittaslow.


Navigating Cittaslow

Navigating Cittaslow a discussion between Dr Tessa Holland and Dr Helen Jarvis from School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University

Slow Heritage Recovery - Prof. Dr. Ing. Helmut Bott

Short video on Cittaslow by Prof Dr Ing. Helmut Bott, University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Institute of Urban Planning and Design.

Sensory Global Towns: An Experiential Approach to the Growth of the Slow City Movement

Sarah Pink, Lisa J Servon

20 March 2012; in revised form 24 June 2012

Sense and sustainability: The case of the Slow City movement

Sarah Pink

Pages 95-106 | Published online: 09 Apr 2008

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Ethnography, Co-design and Emergence: Slow Activism for Sustainable Design

Sarah Pink

Published Volume 9 Issue 2 – 2015 – Global Media Journal – Australian Edition

Sensing Cittàslow: Slow Living and the Constitution of the Sensory City

Sarah Pink

Pages 59-77 | Published online: 16 Apr 2015

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Community-led Housing and ‘Slow’ Opposition to Corporate Development: Citizen Participation as Common Ground?

Helen Jarvis - Geography, Newcastle University

First published: 15 April 2015

Dr Paul Knox was one of the first to look at Cittaslow as a counter cultural movement, and is the go to for research on post-industrial cities.

Creating Ordinary Places: Slow Cities in a Fast World

Paul L. Knox

Pages 1-11 | Published online: 23 Jan 2007

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Slow Cities: Sustainable Places in a Fast World

Heike Mayer & Paul L. Knox

Pages 321-334 | Published online: 02 Dec 2016


Paper on the Impact of “Supporter of Cittaslow” on Tourism Industry in Busan, South Korea

Prof. Jang, Hee-Jung



Doing Sensory Ethnography

by Sarah Pink

Published: 23 July 2009

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Go Slow and Curvy: Understanding the Philosophy of the Cittaslow Slow City Phenomenon, 2015

by dehyun sohn (Author), Hee-Jung Jang (Author), Timothy Jung (Author)

Published: 30 Nov 2015

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Situating Everyday Life

by Sarah Pink

Published: 20 April 2012

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