Aylsham Climate Emergency (ACE), formed after Aylsham Town Council declared a climate emergency in 2021, is working towards making the town carbon neutral by 2030. With five sub-groups each committed to dealing with the main “green” issues – energy, nature, plastics, transport and waste – the committee has launched several initiatives including:
- buying a thermal imaging camera to help residents fight rising energy costs with better insulation and draughtproofing;
- buying an electric van for Town Hall facilities staff;
- a map of cycle routes around Aylsham;
- a key to where anything from bras to used water filters can taken for recycling;
- and investigating a community bus service.

Green Day in Aylsham.
Aylsham staged its first Green Day event on Cittaslow Sunday (Sunday 25 Sept 2022) in the Market Place.
Organised by Aylsham Climate Emergency, the event was opened by local author Patrick Barkham, who is also president of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
Music, street food and activities for children, were all provided and environmental groups and businesses were on hand to explain how we can all help clean up the planet.
- A short report of the event is on the Cittaslow International website
Aylsham to pilot mental health scheme
Aylsham Town Council have agreed to this community-led approach to mental health. Representatives from a cross-section of the local community are being asked to commit to becoming Mental Health Champions. These could include sports clubs, the local pub, businesses, community organisations and more. Representatives will be offered free training to recognise mental health issues and to provide low level support to individuals.
Support for vulnerable
Aylsham Town Council have agreed to provide warm spaces using a council-owned building and agrees to work alongside town groups to meet the needs of those most vulnerable to the cost-of-living crisis – from 1 November to 31 March.
Aylsham Show – August
Despite a smaller tent and a long way from the food hall, and sited in the farm machinery section, there was steady footfall and genuine interest shown by visitors to the Showground on the Blickling Hall estate.
Slow Food members demonstrated the Taste Test which asked visitors to guess the food item from its taste or smell and take a quiz about seasonal food.

Food Festival Farmers Market.
Food Festival – 30 Sept-2 Oct
Festival Supper Despite a lower turnout than hoped, all guests enjoyed the three-course meal, ambience and entertainment from the High School’s drama students who gave a short preview of the Christmas musical, Elf.
Farmers’ Market Lucky with weather and after a hesitant start, the Market Place and Town Hall soon filled. SFA Café went well. Street entertainment from “comedy chefs” were well received by visitors and stallholders.
Big Slow Brunch SFA hosted about 20 Ukrainians and their hosts. This is the most popular event of the festival – nearly 100 guests – and the most demanding in terms of catering.

Canny Cooking recipe book.
Profits from the recipe book sales and donations made nearly £200. SFA donated another £300 and presented the North Norfolk Foodbank with a cheque for £500.
Cromer Foodbank has been ordering reprints of Canny Cooking directly from the printers and, as soon as the local kitchen is refurbished, will be contacting SFA regarding cooking lessons for those receiving food parcels and others in need – all based on the recipe book.
Patrick Prekopp
Chair of Cittaslow Aylsham
Report from Cittaslow Aylsham to the board of Cittaslow UK
29 October 2022
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