Aylsham town projects

  • Aylsham’s Cittaslow Committee has prepared a consultation document – Aylsham: Shaping the Future – mapping out a vision for the town based on Cittaslow principles.
  • Continuation of the annual street party. Currently planned for July 5th but may be postponed due to coronavirus.
  • We are in the process of converting a K6 red telephone box into a water filling station in our historic Market Place. The K6 kiosk was commissioned by the General Post Office in 1935 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V! This box was the last such box in town and was involved in a road traffic accident last year.
  • Replacement of all streetlights with LEDs and reinstating heritage style LEDs in the Market Place. This activity started on 1st April should be completed in less than a year.
  • Aylsham Running. The Town Council organised a colour run last year and that is planned again this year. We are also working with EPIC (Exercising People In Communities) on a 5k run and a half marathon.
  • Refurbishment of free and accessible public loos – planned during 2020.
  • Ongoing promotion of farmers’ market every first Saturday of the month.